Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Smart Diary Suite v4.4.6.2

A new update has been released for Smart Diary Suite, making it version now.

There are a few new features and a few fixes, with more coming in a few weeks.

Please check out the site: http://www.sdiary.com or read up on the latest changes here: http://forum.psunrise.com/showthread.php/528-Smart-Diary-Suite-4-4-6-2-has-been-released%21


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Small issues crept into 4.4.6

Well, the last update introduced quite a few new features (as well as fixing up a few issues), but unfortunately one thing got broken, so I had to rush out a new release (see release notes here: http://forum.psunrise.com/showthread.php/515-Smart-Diary-Suite-4-4-6-1-has-been-released!) to fix them up.

There're still plans to release one more at the end of January sometime with more new features of course.